Give it a Go Summer 2024

We have really enjoyed welcoming you to our Give it a Go sessions this summer! Over 100 registered interest and we were able to offer 80 opportunities to give it a go at our sessions thanks to funding from Swansea Council’s COAST fund. If you’d like to continue we are offering reduced cost sessions in […]
Give it a Go – Penlan 25th August

Our Give it a Go session at Penlan Leisure Centre on Sunday the 25th at 8.30pm was our busiest session yet with nearly 30 beginners aged between 11 and 16 on the water. A huge thanks to 10 volunteers who made the session possible. There were 4 groups in 3 sections, 2 groups playing Canoe […]
Give it a Go – Keep on Paddling!

We’ve really enjoyed hosting the series of give it a go events, and many have asked about carrying on longer term which is great news and we are excited to welcome you. We’ve gathered answers to some of the questions we’ve been asked and information on costs here. If you’d like to stay up to date, […]
Give it a Go – Penlan 20th August

Our Give it a Go session funded by the Swansea COAST fund held at at Penlan Leisure Centre on the 20th of August. If you’d like to continue, we are offering three reduced cost sessions in September. Please get in touch!
Give it a Go – Tawe 18th August

Our second Give it a Go session funded by the Swansea COAST fund held at on the River Tawe on the 18th of August! If you’d like to continue, we are offering three reduced cost sessions in September. Please get in touch!
Give it a Go – Penlan 6th August

Our first Give it a Go session funded by the Swansea COAST fund held at Penlan Leisure Centre on the 6th of August. If you’d like to continue, we are offering three reduced cost sessions in September. Please get in touch!
Penlan Give it a Go Info

Our next give it a go session at Penlan is on Tuesday the 6th of August. Please arrive with time to get changed, we will be allowed on poolside at 2.30pm, the session will end just before 3.30pm. There are lockers available at the pool. It is important that all participants listen to our instructors to ensure […]